Book Coaching

with ​Isabelle Peterson


HINT: The help isn’t in the glass of wine. *gasp!*

Hi – I’m Isabelle Peterson! I’ve been writing and self-publishing for more than 10 years, and I think the reviews my books get are pretty awesome. For the past several years, I’ve helped my friends here and there with their books and they’ve encouraged me to become a book coach. I’m currently in the Author Accelerator program to become a certified book coach and I’m loving every minute of it!  
The work is satisfying in a way 

You might be wondering… “What is a book coach? Isn’t it the same thing as an editor?”
While book coaches are akin to developmental mental editors, book coaches are so much more. 
Think of it this way. A developmental editor is like the referee in sports. And a coach, is — well — so much more. A coach can certainly referee a game. 

A book coach is someone who focuses on helping others fulfill their potential.
A book coach encourages and strengthens an author’s skills and voice.
A book coach knows more about the author’s motivation for their book so that feedback is more meaningful than from a straight developmental edit.  
Coaches use strategic goals with their clients and that give specific feedback through mentoring sessions, planned activities and through written communication and live chat sessions.
They become a champion for the author, reinforce positive elements, and identify beliefs and actions that interfere with an author keeping them from reaching their goals.

I’ve also heard, “Why do people need a coach if they’ve already written a book or even a few books?” 
Again, I’ll go back to the sports analogy. Professional football players, baseball players, hockey and basketball players. Swimmers and skiers — they all use coaches. Coaches observe from the outside while the athlete is wholly inside their head. They may not know their arms are too wide, or they’re pulling their shoulders up. They may not realize they’re only looking to their right and not their left. The coach may suggest a new way of standing or breathing that may open up their game play to a new level. Baseball teams have head coaches, batting coaches, and a coach for their position on the field.
Ever watch a movie knowing an actress is from England, but she speaks American English so smoothly you literally forget she’s not American? Or visa versa, That is a coach.
Same for actors and dancers. Business executives who are striving for a better work life as well as that ever elusive Work-Life Balance. 
Million and multi-million dollar professionals use coaches. Not just “newbies.” Coaches help the athlete or performer or executive. 

If you have about 15 minutes, here’s a FABULOUS TedTalk from surgeon Atul Gawande.

“Okay. I want to get better at writing and I want a coach to get me there. But what qualifies you, Isabelle?” 

  • Educationally, I hold a degree in Behavior Psychology. I know that smaller steps build bigger results. I know how effective personalized reinforcers work and shape a person.
  • I’m currently in the process to become a certified book coach via Author Accelerator. I expect to be certified very soon.
  • As an Author, I’ve been in the self-publishing world for more than 10 years. I know, from both inside and observations, how some writing groups can utterly destroy a writer. I am incredibly familiar with several outlining methods from Save the Cat and Romancing the Beats to The “W” Method and tried and true, super basic 3-Act Structure. 
  • I’ve also been involved with podcasts and various discussion groups, really getting inside the heads of readers–What they love, what turns them off. I will help you catch these things before they invite trolls. 

“Im ready. What packages do you have?”
I’m glad you asked. 


It’s the “let’s see if we’re a good fit” package.
You’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire, and submit a writing sample of no more than 2,500 words. This sample could be something you’re working on, or something already out in the wild.
I’ll read through your questionnaire, maybe have questions for you, and I’ll return your sample with my in-line comments and edits.
We’ll hop on a 20-30 minute call, and see how we gel.
Email me to get started with this today!

Fee: ​ $0.00.  Yes. This package is FREE!

Scroll down to submit your interest


“But I’m a pantser!” you say?
No worries. The Author Accelerator Blueprint method works for both plotters and pantsers alike.
For this package, we’ll start with an introductory call (unless we’ve already done the “GETTING TO KNOW YOU” package.
This package comes with Jennie Nash’s Blueprint for a Book, as well as 3 homework assignments. The first is a Foundations, the second is a Structural assesment, and the third is – well, an outline. (Again, pantsers, don’t fret – I have a process for you here.)
Timewise, this package can take anywhere from 1 week to four weeks.

Fee: $175.
Payment plans available.


This is a 3-month minimum commitment with:

  • Weekly submission of chapters with written feedback (schedule to be determined based on your availability, but an example would be Your Chapter(s) submitted by Monday morning at 8am (eastern), I will have your in line comments and feedback returned to you by Thursday, 12:00p (Noon, eastern).
  • The feedback is by a 1-hour call to clarify questions you may have, and work out brainstorming that may be needed for what was submitted, as well as where you are headed next.  This call will take place 24 hours after the return of your feedback. (In the above example, this call would then be Friday, 12:00p (Noon, eastern)
  • The calls are on Zoom and if you would like, I can record the call and forward you a copy of the recording.

Fee: $495/month
(Each month paid at the start of the month, when ever we start. If we start on the 12th of the month, your $495 will be payable by the 12th, and will carry you through the 11th of the following month.
If paid in advance, there is a 13% savings. $495 x 3 = $1485.  If paid fully in advance, your cost is $1300. 



After reading your full or partial manuscript, the editorial letter will review the strengths of the manuscript and provide specific, actionable suggestions for future drafting, with a focus on plot, pacing, and characters.
Please note, this option does not include any in-line manuscript suggestions or edits.

​$0.01/word for manuscripts up to 70k
$0.008/word for manuscripts up to 100k
$0.007/word for manuscripts over 100k
Inquire for manuscripts exceeding, 120k.


You’ll receive in-line notes, comments, and suggestions.
You’ll receive an editorial letter analyzing the manuscript, including an overview of its strengths as well as suggestions for future drafting, with a focus on characters, plot, and pacing.
Your editorial letter will be organized into subsections and will contain specific, clearly organized, and actionable feedback.


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